Using your own components in Figjam
If you have a shared library of components in Figma and you'd like to use them in Figjam, these are the steps
If you have a shared library of components in Figma and you'd like to use them in Figjam, these are the steps:
- Go to any Figjam file and press
to open the library manager (just as you would in Figma - Toggle on the shared libraries you'd like to use. Close the window to return
- Press
to open the Stickers menu - Type in the name of your component (again, exactly as in Figma)
Swapping instances
It is possible to swap variables for instances of components in Figjam.
To do that, click or tap on the component and use the dropdown.
Components in Figma are still in their infancy
As of the writing of this post, components in Figjam seem a bit undercooked.
For example, if you update a component in the original library, there doesn't seem to be a notification when you return to a Figjam file that uses it.
Hoping they'll flesh them out in the coming months.